Nanook Expeditions

Company Policies


Paddling School Cancellation, including Camping

Please note that courses proceed rain or shine. Please be prepared for the weather for your adventure and bring the appropriate personal gear. Should you need to cancel, refunds will be issued with the appropriate cancellation fees applied. It may be possible to reschedule a course to another date based on availability. If that is possible, the administrative fee may be waived. This at the sole discretion of the company.

Should Nanook Expeditions need to cancel for any reason, clients may choose to reschedule their course to another time based on availability. Alternatively, you may request a full refund.

Guide-led Expedition Cancellation

Please note that expeditions proceed rain or shine. Please be prepared for the weather for your adventure and bring the appropriate personal gear. Should you need to cancel, refunds will be issued with the appropriate cancellation fees applied. It may be possible to reschedule an expedition to another date based on availability. If that is possible, the administrative fee may be waived. This at the sole discretion of the company.

Should Nanook Expeditions need to cancel for any reason, clients may choose to reschedule their expedition to another trip based on availability. Alternatively, you may request a full refund.

Cancellation Fees

For any course or expedition cancelled for any reason with more than 30 days’ notice, the administration fee will be 10% of the total amount. A  25% administration fee will be withheld if the cancellation is within 16 – 30 days of your activity. If the trip or expedition is cancelled less than 16 days’ notice, no refund will be provided.


For your convenience we offer online booking which accepts all major credit cards.  Please book as early as possible to guarantee your spot!


Any form of evacuation that ends your trip short for whatever reason, is financially your responsibility. We can assist in making quick and efficient evacuations, at any time, on your behalf.


Nanook Expeditions strongly advises that you check your current insurance coverage; and that you have adequate medical and personal injury insurance for travel in Ontario, Canada.

Personal Property

Nanook Expeditions will not be held responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property. Please take care to waterproof all your valuables. We can provide dry bags.

Physical Requirements

While our trips are not strenuous, the ability to swim and good health is necessary. You must determine if your own fitness is appropriate. If you have any concerns, please call us or consult your physician before your trip. We can also provide you with our boat sizes and dimensions if you have any other concerns.

Forms – Waivers, Indemnification, Medical

In our confirmation package, you will find one Medical Form and one Waiver Form, per person.

If a minor (under the age of 18) is registered, then a waiver and an indemnification form must be signed and completed by the legal guardian or parent on behalf of the minor. Please take the time to read and understand the forms that you are signing. If you have any questions or concerns about the content, please do not hesitate to call our office.

Waiver and medical forms are to be completed and submitted to our office prior to your course or expedition start date.

Each participant will receive these forms well in advance of the activity date to ensure enough time to read and understand the forms they are signing.

Code of Conduct

The guides and participants of Nanook Expeditions are expected to act and behave within a normal code of conduct when interacting with others on any trip. This includes persons, property and operations that are directly and indirectly affected by these trips.

Although the objective is to have fun and relax, we expect that the rights and treatment of others at any time on these trips will be respected. Nanook Expeditions staff reserve the right to remove a participant from a program at their discretion for substance use, disrespectful or unsafe behaviour.

Rules and Regulations

Safety first. All participants involved with these activities will adhere to the safety rules and policies set out by Nanook Expeditions, its instructors, guides and staff.


  • Alcohol may only be consumed by a client at the end of a day’s paddling, and only in moderation so as not to impair their ability for the next day’s activity. No recreational drugs are allowed while on trip.
  • No one will put another participant or themselves in harms’ way by ignoring the safety rules or the on water etiquette outlined by guides prior to departure.
  • The guides, instructors and participants travel as a small group.
  • Individuals may not stray from the group while on the water.
  • Individuals may not intentionally rock or tip the boats.
  • Individuals may not paddle ahead of the leading guide or fall behind the second guide.
  • PFDs (lifejackets) must be worn at all times when on water.
  • Footwear must be worn at all times.
  • Concerns or comments of any nature should be directed to your guide.
  • All participants are responsible for their own actions.
  • All legal guardians take full responsibility for minor(s) in their care.
  • All instructions and regulations must be followed for a safe and enjoyable trip.
  • If you plan to leave the group, tell the guide your plans.
  • The guides have the final say.

COVID Protocol

  • Proof of vaccination is required for all customers and staff (2 shots plus 14 days is minimum).
  • All customers and staff will be COVID symptom free before and during the trip.
  • Customers or staff that express symptoms during the trip will be evacuated.
  • Customers that exhibit symptoms 2 weeks or less after the trip will notify our office immediately. 

People management during any course / expedition includes:

  • Physical Distancing (2 m or 6 ft) 
  • A mouth and nose barrier (mask, bandanna, buff) ready to be used at any time by all participants and instructors.  
  • Company gear that is exclusively assigned 
  • No sharing of water, food, dishes or utensils

Note: If one finds themselves breaking physical distance for any reason, make sure to use your mouth and nose barrier, i.e. when looking at a map or doing a rescue. 

Note: other protocols will be put in place as required, be prepared to be flexible and accommodating.

Food  management during any courses / expeditions include: 

  • Food and food preparation on Paddle Canada Level 1 2-day or evening courses will be provided by the participants
  • Food for all other courses / expeditions will be provided by Nanook Expeditions. Protocols will be taken/enforced by the instructors and guides through:
    • Mask and gloves will be used for food preparation and wash up/put away.
    • Participants and instructors will have ONE fold up chair for the duration of the trip, and stay at least 2 m apart while eating (outside their social bubble)
    • Dishes, including utensils, will be washed by 1-2 people only to prevent breaking of physical distancing and many hands touching clean utensils.
    • Anyone washing dishes will use hand-sanitizer and then wear face coverings
    • Dishes, including utensils, will be washed in hot soapy water, rinsed, and then bleached for 1-2 minutes (3 steps/bins).
    • Once washed, all dishes will be air-dried (not wiped with a dry cloth).
    • Tongs will be used for lunches (to prevent allergy spreading) and only instructors will prepare plates for ALL meals